Someone once said that if you put three analysts in a room and ask them a question, you’ll get four different opinions. This certainly appears to be the case today, with Fortune finding no more consensus on iPad sales than it did on iPhone numbers.

Asked to predict how many iPad sales Apple will announce in next week’s Q3 earnings announcement, the overall average suggested year-on-year sales would be flat at 14.35M. However, no consensus view emerged … 

The same thing was seen earlier today, in iPhone sales predictions ranging from 31.8M to almost 40M.

But behind that average is a rather wide range, from a high of 16 million (submitted by Asymco’s Horace Dediu and Hilliard’s Stephen Turner) to a low of 12.26 million (from Canaccord’s T. Michael Walkley).

As Fortune observes, Cook had to defend a slump in iPad sales in Q2, blaming in part Microsoft’s long delay in launching Office for iPad. He said that despite the disappointing quarterly sales, the iPad has sold as twice as many units as iPhone and seven times as many iPods in the same period since launch.

Apple will announce the actual numbers on Tuesday 22nd July at around 1.30pm PT/4.30pm ET, with its conference call to discuss the results starting half an hour later. We will, of course, bring you live coverage.

The full set of analyst predictions for the iPad can be seen below. Feel free to add your own predictions in the comments …