The Omni Group today is updating a trio of its iOS apps to better take advantage of the changes in iOS 11. Task management app OmniFocus, graphic design app OmniGraffle, and project management app OmniPlan have all been updated with iOS 11 features following Apple’s release earlier today…

OmniFocus is adding a host of new features. There’s Drag and Drop support for moving tasks within or between projects or adjusting due dates. On iPad, you can drag tasks out of the app itself to save the URL, while you can also drag content into OmniFocus to create tasks.

SiriKit is also coming to OmniFocus, allowing you to easily create new items, mark items as complete, and search using nothing but Siri. OmniFocus also now supports the new iOS 11 Files app.

Likewise, OmniGraffle – the popular drawing and graphic design app – is adding its fair share of iOS 11 features. There’s Drag and Drop support for importing content, adding canvases and layers, managing documents, and more. OmniGraffle also now supports of the Files app on iOS 11.

Other updates to OmniGraffle include SVG improvements, Visio import support, bug fixes for Apple Pencil users, and more.

Finally, OmniPlan is joining the fun with support for Drag and Drop, the Files app, and iCloud. The project management app is also seeing its fair share of icon and design enhancements.

All three of the new Omni Group apps are rolling out on the App Store now:

  • OmniFocus – Free
  • OmniGraffle – Free
  • OmniPlan – Free

OmniFocus 2.21

  • Drag & Drop — OmniFocus now supports Drag & Drop both internally and for getting information in and out of the app:
  • You can drag tasks within or between OmniFocus projects to move them around your project hierarchy and create action groups.
  • Drag actions to a different day in Forecast to adjust their due dates.
  • On iPad, you can drag tasks out of the app and they will turn into plain text (TaskPaper format) or URLs (depending on the target app)
  • Also on iPad, you can drag in content from almost any App to create tasks. You can drag Files and Photos directly to the Attachment tab of the Editor to add them to existing tasks.
  • SiriKit — You can now access OmniFocus data directly from Siri. Siri doesn’t yet know about the OmniFocus database structure, so both Projects and Contexts are represented as “Lists” Here are some example phrases for you to try:
  • Item Creation:
  • “Add a task named Buy Milk in OmniFocus”
  • “Remind me about Take Out the Trash at 5 PM in OmniFocus”
  • “Add Harvest Kale to my Gardening list in OmniFocus”
  • “Remind me to Turn on the Sprinklers when I get home in OmniFocus” (OmniFocus creates a context for this location if one does not exist)
  • “Create a list called Learn to Sail in OmniFocus” (always creates a project)
  • Marking Items Complete:
  • “Mark Buy Replacement Apple Watch Band as complete in OmniFocus”
  • Searching:
  • “What lists do I have in OmniFocus?”
  • “Show me the Groceries list in OmniFocus”
  • “Show me my Home Depot tasks in OmniFocus”
  • New Item — You can now drag the New Inbox Item button into the outline to create your new item at a specific spot in a list.
  • Files — Your OmniFocus database and backups now appear in the Files app. This primarily allows you to access these files to send to support for diagnostics; moving and editing of OmniFocus documents via Files without instructions from Omni is likely to cause data loss.
  • Files — Updated our document icons (visible in the Files app).
  • Reminders Capture — Updated the text in this area of Settings to convey its deprecation in favor of Siri integration.
  • Hyperlinks — Fixed a problem where links in notes were difficult to successfully tap.
  • First-run — We now have localized subtitles for the first-run video.
  • Trial — Prevented the Trial bar from blocking important UI elements.
  • Free Viewer Mode — Reminders Capture is now disabled in Free Viewer mode to prevent data loss.

OmniGraffle 3.2

OmniGraffle 3.2 adds support for Drag & Drop on iOS 11 and integration with the iOS 11 Files app.

  • You can drag tasks within or between OmniFocus projects to move them around your project hierarchy and create action groups.

  • Drag actions to a different day in Forecast to adjust their due dates.

  • On iPad, you can drag tasks out of the app and they will turn into plain text (TaskPaper format) or URLs (depending on the target app)

  • Also on iPad, you can drag in content from almost any App to create tasks. You can drag Files and Photos directly to the Attachment tab of the Editor to add them to existing tasks.

  • Item Creation:

  • “Add a task named Buy Milk in OmniFocus”

  • “Remind me about Take Out the Trash at 5 PM in OmniFocus”

  • “Add Harvest Kale to my Gardening list in OmniFocus”

  • “Remind me to Turn on the Sprinklers when I get home in OmniFocus” (OmniFocus creates a context for this location if one does not exist)

  • “Create a list called Learn to Sail in OmniFocus” (always creates a project)

  • Marking Items Complete:

  • “Mark Buy Replacement Apple Watch Band as complete in OmniFocus”

  • Searching:

  • “What lists do I have in OmniFocus?”

  • “Show me the Groceries list in OmniFocus”

  • “Show me my Home Depot tasks in OmniFocus”

  • New Item — You can now drag the New Inbox Item button into the outline to create your new item at a specific spot in a list.

  • “Add a task named Buy Milk in OmniFocus”

  • “Remind me about Take Out the Trash at 5 PM in OmniFocus”

  • “Add Harvest Kale to my Gardening list in OmniFocus”

  • “Remind me to Turn on the Sprinklers when I get home in OmniFocus” (OmniFocus creates a context for this location if one does not exist)

  • “Create a list called Learn to Sail in OmniFocus” (always creates a project)

  • “Mark Buy Replacement Apple Watch Band as complete in OmniFocus”

  • “What lists do I have in OmniFocus?”

  • “Show me the Groceries list in OmniFocus”

  • “Show me my Home Depot tasks in OmniFocus”

  • Drag and Drop Content to OmniGraffle — Quickly add to an OmniGraffle document by dragging content from another app to OmniGraffle’s Canvas or Navigation Sidebar. Drop images or text on the Sidebar to position them exactly in the object hierarchy or on the canvas to position them just right visually.

  • Drag from the Canvas — Quickly share graphics with others by lifting a selection directly from the OmniGraffle canvas and dropping on another canvas, a separate OmniGraffle document, or a different app altogether!

  • Drag from the Navigation Sidebar — OmniGraffle supports dragging content from the Navigation Sidebar: Pick up canvases, layers, or individual objects to rearrange them in the sidebar list or drag them to another app. Drag a canvas to the Photos app to quickly export an image of that canvas or drag a layer to the Mail app and the objects on that layer are shared with a transparent background. You can drag a selection of objects to share just those shapes and if you share an artboard object then the objects above the artboard are included.

  • Drag and Drop in the Document Picker — The Document Picker supports Drag and Drop to make document management even easier. Drag files in to quickly import them, drag them out to copy them elsewhere, or pick up a group of documents and add them to a folder in the Document Browser to keep all you projects organized.

  • Files App Integration — Local OmniGraffle documents appear in the “On My iPad” section of the Files app and OmniGraffle documents in iCloud can be opened in place for editing.

  • Visio Import — Instead of being converted in place, Visio files are copied to the OmniGraffle format before opening. If you open a Visio file from the Files app, the OmniGraffle copy is created in OmniGraffle’s Local Documents.

  • Templates — Now when opening an OmniGraffle Template in iCloud you are prompted to create a new document based on the template or open the template itself for editing.

  • Navigation Sidebar Edit Mode — Updated edit mode in the navigation sidebar to maintain the current selection when switching in and out of edit mode.

  • SVG Import — Named colors and hex colors are now supported when importing from SVG.

  • Line Label Fill Color — Updated default fill color for line labels to give them better contrast against more backgrounds.

  • Text Fields — Fixed a bug that prevented moving the insertion point by tapping.

  • Apple Pencil Support — Fixed a couple bugs that prevented the Marker Fill and Stroke features of OmniGraffle’s Apple Pencil support from working.

  • Favorites — Fixed a bug that prevented favorite styles from being removed from the favorites list.

OmniPlan 3.7

  • Drag and Drop Within OmniPlan — You can now drag tasks within or between OmniPlan projects. Tasks can be dragged out of the project Gantt chart or Network diagram and dropped into the Gantt chart (rearranging tasks via drag and drop or dropping tasks into the Network Diagram is not currently supported). Tap multiple tasks to drag and drop more than one task at a time. When multiple tasks have been picked up, they will be dropped in the order they were selected (this is also a quick way to reorder tasks in a project). To cancel dragging tasks after tasks have been picked up, drag the tasks off the edge of your iOS device’s screen.
  • Drag and Drop Between Other Apps — On iPad, you can drag task out of OmniPlan and they will turn into plain text of .ics calendar events (depending on the target app). Dragging calendar events, reminders, plain text, or OmniFocus tasks into an OmniPlan project will create new tasks in the project.
  • Drag and Drop in the Document Picker — The Document Picker supports Drag and Drop to make document management even easier. Drag files in to quickly import them, drag them out to copy them elsewhere, or pick up a group of documents and add them to a folder in the Document Browser to keep all you projects organized.
  • Files App Integration & iCloud Support — OmniPlan 3 now supports file management and iCloud Drive sync via the iOS 11 Files app. Local OmniPlan project files now appear in the iOS 11 Files app, and OmniPlan projects saved to iCloud Drive will open in place for editing. At this point in time we do not recommend syncing OmniPlan files with third party sync services other than iCloud, as many of these sync services do not support OmniPlan’s file package format.
  • Icons — We’ve updated OmniPlan with bolder, more colorful icons.
  • Microsoft Project Import — OmniPlan no longer performs a destructive import of Microsoft Project files. The original .mpp Microsoft Project file now is now left in its original location, and the imported OmniPlan .oplx project file is copied into OmniPlan’s Local Documents. (In previous versions of OmniPlan, the imported .oplx file overwrote in the original .mpp file.)
  • Share Menu — It is no longer possible to share multiple files at a time.
  • View Type — It is now possible to switch between the Gantt and Network views via an option in the View popover (this allows OmniPlan to hide the view type toolbar button when the toolbar is too crowded).
  • Document Browser — Pulling down in the document browser no longer results in unnecessary blank space.
  • Server Repositories — The alert presented when deleting a file from a server repository is now spelled correctly, and provides the option to cancel.
  • Task Inspector — Restored the “i” buttons for inspecting task assignments and dependent tasks.