Object Spy can help determine the useful properties and methods associated with an object in your environment. The HP/Micro Focus UFT tutorials also describes GetROProperty, GetTOProperty & SetTOProperty

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GetRoProperty – is an inbuilt method used to retrieve the runtime value of an object property. There are 4 steps involved in using the GetRoProperty Step 1) Record the Object on which you want to use the GetRoProperty in Object Repository Step 2) For the recorded object identifies the run-time property which could be used. You may use Object Spy. Step 3) Use GetRoProperty method to retrieve the identified Run-time property and store the value in a variable Step 4) Use this value for further deductions

SetToProperty & GetToProperty

Consider a Web Button stored in the Object Repository When the test is run QTP creates a copy of this object called Test Object and compares it with the Run Time Object Using GetToProperty you can retrieve the value of a property of Test Object Using SetToProperty you can change the property value of a Test Object When the test is completed, this test object is discarded and so are any modifications you made in the object properties using the SetToProperty When the test is re-run, a new copy of the test object is created with original property values stored in the object repository You can consider using GetToProperty and SetToProperty when your test script has multiple lines of codes and your environment is sporadic For a note, there is no SetRoProperty

Object Spy:

Object spy is a feature in QTP using which you can view both the test and run-time object properties and methods. It also gives the syntax for a selected method. Object Spy gives the complete hierarchy of the object you have selected