When Epic Games created Playground Mode in Fortnite, allowing an hour of safe play to familiarize yourself with the environment, they probably never imagined someone would use the time to do this …

Redditor JoshB_C used the time to create a really fun version of Mario Kart.

He’s added Mario 64 sounds to the replay video as characters push and ride supermarket trollies through the cityscape – and the effort seems to be appreciated by fellow Redditors.

Replay mode is a little buggy, and makes the characters look like they are running when they’re coasting, but it’s a fun video.

Pretty awesome creation.

This sure brings a smile to my face.

This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.

This is why the internet was invented.

Reddit also had plenty of suggestions for other games that could be recreated in Fortnite, so this may be just the first of many …