There are a lot of interesting features in Nintendo’s Ninjala, available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. One of them is the Ninja Gum, which you can eat and use to create unique weapons. These weapons have special characteristics that will have a lot of influence on your style of playing henceforth. Your characters in the game will be able to obtain weapons that fall into three different classes – a hammer, a katana, or a yo-yo. You will have to keep in mind the special features of each of these classes as well.

We now know that there will be twelve different kinds of weapons featured in Ninjala. Each of them placed into one of the three classes mentioned above. In this guide, we will discuss all the weapons known in Ninjala so far, along with the weapon classes in the game.


Weapon Classes in Ninjala

As of now, there are three different classes into which the weapons you obtain in Ninjala will be classified. Before we move on to the actual weapons themselves, let us take a look at the unique features of each of these classes.


The weapons included in this class possess a rather stout handle and longer baton region. This makes them deadly to be swung at enemies. Every katana has its own unique features as well. However, they basically stick to the concept of a one-handed weapon good for long-range melee attacks. Apart from this, they will also help you fight your way out of dangerous situations with speed. They may not be the most formidable melee weapons around, but they are respectable for their agility and sturdiness.


The weapons included in this class possess a long handle and narrower strike zone. You can use this to effectively swing them straight into your foes’ faces. Although all of them look different, they operate under the same kind of mechanics in battle. Since you will have to use both hands to use these weapons, your speed will be compromised to some extent. However, it is sort of compensated by a significant increase in strength. They are slower, but also produce more damage as compared to weapons in the one-handed katana class.


Unlike the weapons in the katana and hammer weapon classes, the yo-yos are a much different class of weapon in Ninjala. The weapons included in this class tend to vary in appearance and abilities. On attacking with these weapons, the string will unfold and help you gain a better range. This will come in handy when you need to target enemies at a greater distance. It will also help you gain additional time to decide whether to fight or flee from a dangerous situation.

List of All Weapons in Ninjala

Here is a detailed list of all the weapons you can obtain in Ninjala.

Sushi Axe

This is a powerful gum weapon in Ninjala, belonging to the Hammer class. It can slice through other weapons and also provide armor. It also comes with a number of unique abilities and parameter adjustments. For example:

Gum Shoot – It produces a floating gum grenade that can be detonated by blowing a bubble.

Gum Ninjutsu – You can blitz your enemies using a powerful “Ninja tornado.”

Power Buster – In Super Armour mode, you will be able to destroy your opponent’s weapon using this.

Ninja Gum – Sushi Gum


Iron Body – This is the primary ability. By virtue of this, taking down an enemy using an Ippon will grant you Super Armour for a limited amount of time.

Hyper Boost – This is the big weapon ability. By virtue of this, you will be able to move at greater speed after constructing a large weapon.



  • Abilities: Iron Body / Hyper Boost
  • Adjust Parameters: 330  95
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Ninja Tornado
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Grenade
  • Special: Power Buster
  • Weapon Class: Hammer

Shinobi Spinner

This is a weapon belonging to the yo-yo class in Ninjala. Not only can you use it to target enemies at a longer distance, but being a one-handed weapon, it is significantly fast as well. It also comes with a number of unique abilities and parameter adjustments that are quite useful.

Gum Shoot – The weapon is launched forward and produces a net where it lands, entrapping the target.

Gum Ninjutsu – You can attack your foes using a powerful “Ninja Tornado” using this.

Ninja Gum – Mellow Gum

Special Power – Yo-yo leap will allow you to warp to the place where your yo-yo lands. This will help you get a positional advantage when attacking.

Star Tail – This is the primary ability. By virtue of this, warp attacks will restore your Gum Shoot cooldown time.

Inside Loop – This is the big weapon ability. By virtue of this, taking down an enemy using a warp attack will restore your health.

  • Abilities: Star Tail / Inside Loop
  • Adjust Parameters: 255  104
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Ninja Tornado
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Net
  • Special: Yo-yo Leap
  • Weapon Class: Yo-yo

Mellow à la Mode

This is another weapon belonging to the yo-yo class in Ninjala. Using this one, you will be able to track down and transform enemies. By doing this, you will be able to target them freely without worrying about counter attacks. This, too, comes with a special Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu, unique abilities, and parameter adjustments.

Gum Shoot – Gum Searcher lowers S-Energy and helps you track down any enemies in the vicinity.

Gum Ninjutsu – You can lift up, whirl around and slam down your enemies like pizza dough using Tenchi Muyo.

Special Power – “Beyond the Gum” allows you to morph the enemies you manage to attack successfully.

Time to Relax – This is the primary ability. By virtue of this, the special cooldown will be reset if you manage to evade attacks for a certain amount of time.

Beyond Fever – This is the big weapon ability. By virtue of this, special attacks will cause extra damage to enemies who have been transformed.

  • Abilities: Time to Relax / Beyond Fever
  • Adjust Parameters: 255  104
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Tenchi Muyo
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Searcher
  • Special: Beyond the Gum
  • Weapon Class: Yo-yo

Iron Noise

This weapon belongs to the hammer class in Ninjala. It is a two-handed weapon that helps you get the advantage of pursuit attacks and area-of-effect abilities. You can effectively use it for getting up close and personal while battling enemies. It, too, comes with an exclusive Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu, unique abilities, and parameter adjustments.

Gum Shoot – You will be able to unleash homing attacks on your enemies using Gum Kunai.

Gum Ninjutsu – You will be able to attack with a powerful Fujiyama gum rocket that blows upon contact.

Special Power – Launches a powerful Echoing Scream attack that paralyzes enemies.

Ninja Gum – Iron Gum

Feedback – This is the primary ability. By virtue of this, normal and special attacks will reset the cooldown.

Up Tempo – This is the big weapon ability. By virtue of this, your speed will be significantly enhanced if your health is less than a specific point.

  • Abilities: Feedback / Up Tempo
  • Adjust Parameters: 360  90
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Fujiyama Rocket
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Kunai
  • Special: Echoing Scream
  • Weapon Class: Hammer

Corn Bat

This is a lithe melee weapon that belongs to the katana class in Ninjala.  It possesses the ability to dig underground, giving you the opportunity to burst up from the surface and take your enemies by surprise. You can use this to disperse hordes of threatening foes. It, too, comes with an exclusive Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu, unique abilities, and parameter adjustments.

Gum Shoot – This is a Gum Launcher that makes a homing attack on your target. It detonates on making contact.

Gum Ninjitsu – You can use this to summon a terrifying gum Dragon Lord who makes a beeline for your enemy.

Special Power – You will be able to dig underground using the Here and There feature. You can then emerge from the ground and blitz your enemies.

Ninja Gum – Corn Gum

Miracle Charge – This is the primary ability. By virtue of this, using Gum Ninjitsu will restore your health every time.

Stealth Attack – This is the big weapon ability. By virtue of this, carrying out specials successfully will reset cooldown time.

  • Abilities: Miracle Charge / Stealth Attack
  • Adjust Parameters: 300  100
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Dragon Lord
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Launcher
  • Special: Here and There
  • Weapon Class: Katana

Ippon Katana

This is the trademark weapon associated with Ninjala since its inception. Like its name obviously reflects, it belongs to the katana class in Ninjala. It possesses excellent agility and rushing power. Not only will you be able to attack your enemies swiftly, but it will power up when you take them down. It, too, comes with a special Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu, unique abilities, and parameter adjustments.

Gum Shoot – The Gum Launcher produces a gum bubble that makes a homing attack on your target. It will detonate upon making physical contact.

Gum Ninjitsu – You will be able to take control of a seriously powerful gum Ninja Tornado. Your opponents will not be able to figure out what hit them!

Special Power – Uses the Charging Slash attack to make a swift, rushing attack at the enemy.

Ninja Gum – Ippon Gum

Chakra – This is the primary ability. By virtue of this, taking down an enemy will totally reset your special attack cooldown.

Kamikaze – This is the big weapon ability. By virtue of this, taking down an opponent using a special move will boost your speed.

  • Abilities: Chakra, Kamikaze
  • Adjust Parameters: 300  100
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Ninja Tornado
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Launcher
  • Special: Charging Slash
  • Weapon Class: Katana

SK8 Hammer

Like the name makes it apparent, this one belongs to the hammer class of weapons in Ninjala. It is found in the April open beta version of the game. This is a great choice for countering special attacks from your enemies. It, too, comes with a special Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu, unique abilities, and parameter adjustments.

Gum Shoot – Launches forward and produces a Gum Net upon landing to entrap the target.

Gum Ninjitsu – You can lift up, whirl around and slam down your enemies like pizza dough using Tenchi Muyo.

Special Power – You can use the Power Buster feature to smash your enemies’ weapons in Super Armour Mode.

Ninja Gum – SK8 Gum

Iron Body – This is the primary ability. By virtue of this, taking down an enemy using Ippon will grant you Super Armour for a limited amount of time.

Hyper Boost – This is the secondary ability. You can obtain a boost in speed for a limited amount of time by constructing a big weapon.

  • Abilities: Iron Body, Hyper Boost
  • Adjust Parameters: 330 95
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Tenchi Muyo
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Net
  • Special: Power Buster
  • Weapon Class: Hammer

Drill Beast

This is a speedy, one-handed weapon that belongs to the katana class in Ninjala. It was available to use in the April open beta version of Ninjala. This can also be used to dig underground and then emerge suddenly to send your enemies panicking away. It, too, comes with a special Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu, unique abilities, and parameter adjustments.

Gum Shoot – It produces a floating gum grenade that can be detonated by blowing a second gum bubble.

Gum Ninjitsu – You will be able to produce a dynamic Punishing Blade that will deploy gum when you attack using it.

Ninja Gum – Drill Beast

Miracle Charge – This is the primary ability. By virtue of this, using your Gum Ninjitsu will replenish some of your health.

Stealth Attack – This is the big weapon ability. By virtue of this, successfully making special attacks will reset your cooldown time.

  • Abilities: Miracle Charge, Stealth Attack
  • Adjust Parameters: 300  100
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Punishing Blade
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Grenade
  • Special: Here and There
  • Weapon Class: Katana

Trick Ball

This is a weapon belonging to the yo-yo class in Ninjala. It was featured in the April open beta version of the game. It can be used to neutralize or transform enemies. In that time period, you will be able to attack them without any fear of retaliation. It, too, comes with a special Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu, unique abilities, and parameter adjustments.

Gum Shoot – This produces a Gum Balloon around the user, that blows up upon contact.

Gum Ninjitsu – You will be able to attack with a powerful Fujiyama gum rocket that blows upon contact.

Ninja Gum – Trick Ball

Beyond Fever – This is the big weapon ability. By virtue of this, you will be able to cause extra damage to enemies who have been inflicted with the Gum Morph.

  • Abilities: Time to Relax, Beyond Fever
  • Adjust Parameters: 255  104
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Fujiyama Rocket
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Balloon
  • Special: Beyond the Gum
  • Weapon Class: Yo-Yo

Ninja Yo-Yo

Like its name makes it obvious, this weapon belongs to the yo-yo class in Ninjala. This was one of the very first weapons to be featured on Ninjala’s official website before its official release. This weapon is very useful for attacking enemies from a safe distance. It also boasts of stealth-based movements like warping. It, too, comes with a special Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu, unique abilities, and parameter adjustments.

Gum Shoot – This produces two floating Gum Balloons that home in upon your foe and finally explode.

Gum Ninjitsu – Use the Piercing Mixer to produce a dynamic blaster and shoot a powerful beam of gum from your weapon.

Special Power – Use the Yo-Yo Leap to paralyze your enemies by hurling your weapon at them. Then warp in using the same and take them out for good.

Ninja Gum – Yo-Yo Gum

  • Abilities: Star Tail
  • Adjust Parameters: 255  104
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Piercing Mixer
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Balloon
  • Special: Yo-yo Leap
  • Weapon Class: Yo-yo

Scroll Blade

This is a weapon belonging to the katana class in Ninjala. It was originally revealed as a launch weapon in the game’s fifth Dev Diary video. This is a great choice for attacking enemies at a distance, and for swift melee attacks. It also powers up upon taking down enemies. It, too, comes with a special Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu, unique abilities, and parameter adjustments.

Gum Shoot – This produces three Gum Kunai, who will hold and then attack your opponents. It can be used as a pre-emptive move to intercept your enemy’s movement. The number of Kunai that appears is directly proportional to the size of the gum.

Gum Ninjitsu – You can use the Piercing Mixer to go right through a wall and strike a foe to obtain an Ippon. The enemies on the other side of the wall will get highlighted when attacked like this. You will also be able to use Drones to target enemies at greater distances. These will launch a beam of gum in the direction you are facing.

Special Power – You will be able to strike at your enemies using a swift and deadly Charging Slash.

Ninja Gum – Scroll Blade Gum

  • Abilities: Chakra / Kamikaze
  • Adjust Parameters: 300  100
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Piercing Mixer
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Kunai
  • Special: Charging Slash
  • Weapon Class: Katana

Drum Beat

This is a gum weapon belonging to the hammer class in Ninjala. It was first featured in the game’s fifth Dev Diary before its release. It has the ability to stun enemies and is an excellent choice when getting up close and personal during battle. Its pursuit attacks are highly effective, as well. It, too, comes with an exclusive Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu, unique abilities, and parameter adjustments.

Gum Shoot – The Gum Launcher produces a projectile that homes in on your target and explodes.

Gum Ninjitsu – You can use this to summon a terrifying gum Dragon Lord who makes a beeline for your enemy. This Dragon’s homing power is so accurate that your foes will not be able to escape from its clutches easily.

Ninja Gum – Drum Beat Gum

  • Abilities: Feedback / Up Tempo
  • Adjust Parameters: 360  90
  • Gum Ninjutsu: Dragon Lord
  • Gum Shoot: Gum Launcher
  • Special: Echoing Scream
  • Weapon Class: Hammer

These were all the weapons available in Ninjala. We will be updating this section as we get more information about the weapons in Ninjitsu. If you liked our guide, don’t forget to check out our other Windows Guides, Gaming Guides, Social Media, iPhone Guides, and Android Guides to read more. Subscribing to our YouTube Channel will help you win the $150 giveaway contest. If you have any questions or feedback, comment down with your name along with the email ID, and we will reply shortly. Thank you.