In 2010, Nickelodeon viewers were introduced to the fictional Hollywood Arts High School as a new musical series for the network from the same production team behind Drake And Josh and iCarly. Victorious centered around Tori Vega, played by Nickelodeon veteran Victoria Justice, as she navigated the quirky school. 10 years later, the series is available again on Netflix for a new generation of kids to enjoy.

The Nickelodeon series saw the kids take classes based on their performing arts interests - whether that was singing, acting, writing, or directing. Hollywood Arts didn’t divide its students into “houses” based on their interests or personality traits though. For that, they would have had to attend school somewhere more like Hogwarts.

Beck: Gryffindor

Of the main characters, Beck was the guy fans were supposed to think of as the coolest. He wasn’t quite as quirky as everyone else, was liked by just about everyone, and usually kept his head in tough situations. Beck might not have always shown it, but he was definitely the kind of guy who allowed his emotions to lead him, which is why the sorting hat placed him in Gryffindor.

Beck often stood up for the “weird” students at school, maintaining a friendship with just about everyone. He took Tori under his wing as a new student. In addition to the nicer aspects of his Gryffindor attitude, there were also a few more attention seeking ones. He broke up with Jade every time he decided her attitude was too much for him. Likewise, he would also intentionally make her (and the rest of his friends) jealous to make himself feel better.

Robbie: Ravenclaw

Robbie was a surprisingly difficult character for the sorting hat to place. With his need to be liked and his tendency to go along with his friends’ plans, he could have been a Hufflepuff. His interest in very specific subjects, however, and his musical ability made the sorting hat lean toward Ravenclaw.

When Robbie was interested in something (or someone), it was all or nothing. He wanted to know everything he could, and he wanted to share his knowledge with other people. Despite not attending Hollywood Arts for music, Robbie was also talented in that area, writing songs in his free time. 

Rex: Slytherin

Rex was a ventriloquist’s dummy, so it might seem strange that the sorting hat would even place him in a Hogwarts house. Victorious, however, hinted in multiple episodes that Rex could exist independently of Robbie, which is creepy in the real world, but seems fitting for Hogwarts.

Rex was a bringer of chaos. He would say things to Robbie’s friends simply to make the situation uncomfortable. Rex also acted as though he were the superior personality in the situation with Robbie, making him pretty ambitious. He would have fit in nicely at Slytherin if he was a wizard trapped inside a puppet.

Cat: Hufflepuff

Of all of the characters in Victorious, Cat was the least equipped to deal with conflict. Friendly and forgiving, Cat always wanted her friends to get along. She was able to find entertainment in just about anything. That makes the sorting hat lean toward Hufflepuff for her.

What solidified Cat’s placement in Hufflepuff is the fact that, despite her usual lack of common sense, Cat was also one of the hardest working students at Hollywood Arts. She participated in all of her friends’ projects as well as her own, and managed to keep up with her own vocal studies and various hyper-fixations throughout the run of the show.

Sinjin: Slytherin

Like Robbie, Sinjin was a difficult character for the sorting hat to analyze. Most of his time on the show was spent being the comic relief - the outsider to the main cast. Sinjin had a lot of interests - some might even call them obsessions - during the run of Victorious. His penchant for working backstage, and his ability to carry out convoluted plans, might have made the sorting hat consider Ravenclaw. His scheming though, that’s all Slytherin.

Sinjin had a knack for getting himself into sticky situations in the name of money or popularity. He was willing to do just about anything his classmates asked of him as long as he got something out of it. The social climbing that went along with that scheming certainly pegged him as a Slytherin.

Mr. Sikowitz: Ravenclaw

Quite possibly one of the most eccentric educators to ever appear on television, Mr. Sikowitz had some seriously unorthodox methods. He was a fan of improvisational techniques and placing his students into outrageous situations to see if they could find a way out. While some fans might have found him odd, Sikowitz would have been a perfect fit for Ravenclaw.

His outside of the box thinking would have made him have some interesting conversations with the likes of Luna Lovegood. He also had an incredible encyclopedic knowledge of theatrical history, a great example of a Ravenclaw with a very specific focus for his interests.

Jade: Slytherin

Some might think that Jade’s brash decisions and emotional outbursts could make her a Gryffindor. Jade, however, was prone to hiding how she really felt behind her sarcastic quips and her love for using scissors.

The way Jade kept all of her feelings, other than her anger, close to the vest, was a very Slytherin emotional trait. She was also brilliant with a sneaky plan and never one to completely turn away from a scheme.

Andre: Ravenclaw

Like everyone who attended Hollywood Arts, Andre was definitely talented. Unlike his classmates, however, Andre seemed to be keen to pick up any aspect of performing anyone put in front of him.

Andre’s ability to absorb everything about music taught to him, and his interest in numerous instruments and technology that helped him produce music served him well in school. It also proved him a Ravenclaw just like his head for logic and his ability to reason his way out of some of his friends’ crazier plans.

Trina: Slytherin

Was there a bigger schemer in Victorious? Or how about a Hollywood Arts student with more ambition? Trina Vega wanted to be a star, and she didn’t care how she had to achieve stardom. She was definitely a Slytherin.

The older sister of main character Tori, Trina wasn’t quite the singer that her little sister was. In fact, she couldn’t really carry a tune. She also wasn’t the best actress or dancer during the series. It made her classmates wonder just how she kept her spot at the prestigious school. There must have been some scheme involved since she wasn’t above using her sister’s music as her own or bribing another student to make her prom queen.

Tori: Gryffindor

Tori took a chance when she auditioned to become a student at Hollywood Arts. As much as she loved singing, she wasn’t sure she had what it took to join the school. She bravely auditioned, starting her path to being sorted into Gryffindor.

Tori tried to give everyone a chance, even people who scared her, like Jade. She also continued to put herself out there, even though she was the least experienced of her classmates, trying to find a way to follow her dreams. In addition to her bravery, Tori could also showcase the Gryffindor selfish streak, tending to focus on her own problems and overlooking her friends.