Over a decade ago, Dan Schneider added to his Nickelodeon empire with the series iCarly. Before Youtube channels and Instagram influencers became prevalent, there was a fictional web show within the show. Carly and Sam were the young women in front of the camera, bringing comedy, pranks, and random dancing to kids their own age. Freddie manned the camera and covered all aspects of technology.

The trio spent a lot of time referencing pop culture, but Harry Potter wasn’t really on their radar, so the group never discussed their Hogwarts houses. If they had, they would have realized exactly where they and their friends would have ended up.

Spencer: Ravenclaw

Ravenclaws are often thought of as studious rule followers. For every Marietta Edgecombe, however, there is a Luna Lovegood. Spencer Shay is definitely more of the latter.

Spencer embraces his creativity instead of academics, prompting him to follow a career as an artist. He primarily creates sculptures, but throughout the course of the series, he isn’t afraid to follow any creative path, following whatever interests him. He also fosters that creativity in others, encouraging his sister and her friends to pursue their own creative interests, even if they differ from his own.

Gibby: Gryffindor

iCarly is very much a series that teaches kids to be comfortable in their own skin – no matter how strange others might find that skin. Gibby exemplifies that as he goes from a recurring bit of comic relief to an integral member of the friend group who makes no apologies for who he is.

Gibby does what he wants, no matter what the consequences are, and he sticks up for those he cares about. He’s certainly a Gryffindor.

Mrs. Benson: Hufflepuff

If a TV fan wants a perfect example of an overbearing parent, they need look no further than Mrs. Benson. She is fanatical in her approach to keeping Freddie safe, right down to having a tracker placed in his tooth without him knowing about it. Her strange behavior and her unwillingness to allow Freddie to have some typical teenage experiences comes from a place of (overprotective) love.

Her methods might be extreme, but the lengths she goes to proves there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for her son. They also demonstrate just how much work she puts into being a mom. She’s a Hufflepuff.

Nevel: Slytherin

It might be a bit obvious to label one of the few recurring antagonists in iCarly as a Slytherin, but Nevel certainly earned his spot in this Hogwarts house.

There might not be anyone in the series more ambitious than Nevel. While Carly and her friends just think it’s cool when someone acknowledges their web show, Nevel wants to be the best – and doesn’t care what he has to do to be the best. Every one of Nevel’s appearances in the series comes with a scheme and a desire to be number one.

Principal Franklin: Ravenclaw

Of the educators fans meet in the iCarly world, Principal Franklin is the best of the bunch. Unlike most of the teachers, he understands his students and gives them room to make mistakes and express their opinions.

He also has a logical approach to problem-solving and an appreciation for creativity. That’s why, despite his few brief appearances on the series, the sorting hat is comfortable placing him in Ravenclaw.

Ms. Briggs: Slytherin

Ms. Briggs is a great example of what teachers are usually like in the world of iCarly. Strict and cruel, it’s more important to her that her students fear her than like her.

Ms. Briggs is known for her love for bagpipes and her obsession with Randy Jackson, but she also doesn’t have a great track record in the classroom. She prefers to intimidate and knock her students down on her way to a more powerful position. Her ambition and her disregard for others have her sorted into Slytherin.

Melanie: Ravenclaw

iCarly fans will recognize Melanie, even though she only has a handful of appearances on the show. That’s because she’s played by the same actress who stars as Sam Puckett. Melanie is Sam’s twin sister who attends boarding school during the run of the series.

Often described as “sweet” and “good,” Melanie could be sorted into Hufflepuff if we go simply with Sam’s perception of her. Melanie, however, belongs in Ravenclaw. She gets into her prestigious boarding school as a result of her academic record, and she’s smart enough to pick her battles with her volatile mother and sister. Melanie is someone who uses her head first and her heart second.

Sam: Gryffindor

With her penchant for pranks and her attempts at pushing people away, it might seem like Sam would be best suited for Slytherin. Her creative mind might even warrant Ravenclaw, like her sister. The truth, however, is that Sam belongs in Gryffindor.

Sam, despite the series being a children’s comedy, experiences a lot of traumatic events in her young life. As a result, she spends all of her time following her primary emotion: anger. She starts off as a bully but becomes someone who stands up for those getting targeted instead. Sam wants to do the right thing, but she’s also willing to do the wrong things for the right reasons. Her outbursts and instinctive need to rush into a fight are also hallmarks of a Gryffindor.

Freddie: Ravenclaw

Freddie is probably the easiest character in the series for the sorting hat to place. Yes, he’s got courage and loyalty in spades, but his interest in technology drives him. He’s a perfect fit for Ravenclaw.

Freddie is always interested in the latest technology, and how he can use his knowledge to improve the iCarly web show. He’s the one who often has to make Carly and Sam’s complicated plans work. He’s got a good head on his shoulders and he often acts as the voice of reason in the show.

Carly: Hufflepuff

In a lot of cases, the protagonist of a series is a Gryffindor - or at least, most fans would see them that way. As a result from seeing events from their point of view, fans are more inclined to view the main character as a hero-type. Carly does have moments of courage and standing up for what’s right, but in her heart, she’s a Hufflepuff.

Carly is all about loyalty. Though she has a few schemes and hides a few things from her friends, she’s always interested in what’s best for her circle of friends and family. Carly wants Sam and Freddie to be happy, and she wants her brother to be successful, and she works hard to help them all be both.